2010 is about to end–what a great year it was!
I have two things to remember and be grateful for as the year closes.
In my work as a trial lawyer, I notice stories of courts and trials in the news through out the world. Most of us don’t realize how many billions of people in the world live under political systems that don’t support independent, strong, and effective judicial systems. Trials in these countries are often shams or the outcomes dictated by dictators ahead of time. Evidence is skewed and suppressed when necessary by the people in power.
We complain in the U.S. when we read of outlandish results in trials here, but the reason they attract news attention is because, in reality, they’re so rare. An occasional goofy judge or crazy jury verdict should not cause us to worry.
Also, I want to thank all those people who have supported my new book, Reprisal. Published in September of this year, it has been selling well. I could never have accomplished this without the ideas and editorial help from my wife, Pam. Many others helped with suggestions and reviews. Jeff Holmes created an arresting cover that compliments the story perfectly. Thanks also to my publishers, North Star Press for their great work and help. Thanks to the bookstores who have carried and supported the book.
I’m working on another book about the potential water shortages in the world and the wars that may result from these shortages. Also, I’m happy to announce a new web site and content that should be out in January.
Hope you all have a great new year!