Why You Should Go To Ecuador

why you should go to ecuadorYears ago, John Steinbeck wrote a book called, Travels With Charlie.  If he could write about traveling with his favorite dog, maybe I can write about Travels With Colin.  In a change from crime news, I decided to do a short series on my recent adventure to South America.  I’ll try to convince you about why you …

The Truth About Jade Smuggling in SE Asia

jade smuggling in SE AsiaIn my newest book, Up Like Thunder, my main character, Pete Chandler, goes to the country of Myanmar in SE Asia to find and rescue an American woman.  She had been working in Myanmar when she disappeared into thin air.  While looking for her, he is threatened himself and worries if he’ll also disappear!  In the meantime, I …

Here’s What Happens with Police Stop in Foreign Country

police stopI’ve been out of the country, visiting Ecuador and Peru for a little over two weeks.  I’ve got some great stories to tell in the next couple posts about the people and events I experienced.  In the meantime, let’s keep this post somewhat tied to courts and crime.  I’m sure all of you have been stopped by the …

This is the Hardest Part About Being a Prosecutor

Many people think convicting the bad guys is the toughest part of working as a prosecuting attorney.  That is difficult, as I know from the time Iprosecutor worked as a county prosecutor.  He/she must make certain all the evidence to convict is assembled, witnesses are available, and that she is prepared for any defense arguments about the procedure …

Why We Should Release Prisoners

we should release prisonersI’ve worked for years in the criminal justice system and have seen how our prisons in the U.S. have filled to over-flowing.  Our country now puts more people in prison than any other country in the world except Russia and Iran.  It’s time that we should release prisoners.

Does this sound odd?  Scary?  Irresponsible?  Especially, in light of …

Beginner’s Guide for You to Start Writing Your Book

People often tell me at book events that they’d like to become writers.  They have an idea for a story . . .  “How do I start?” they ask.  I’ve hadwriting your book five novels and two short stories published.  (The second one will be out next year)  Here are my suggestions for you to start writing your book:

  1.  Write