The Truth About “Making a Murderer?” Episode 1

making a murdererAre you glued to your TV watching the Netflix series, Making a Murderer It’s based on a true story from Manitowoc, Wisconsin and has hooked thousands of viewers.  After working for over 30 years as a criminal trial lawyer, I’d like to comment on what’s the truth about Making a Murderer.

I’m hooked on the series—although …

Burns, Oregon/Black Panthers—Treated Differently?

protesters in Burns oregonAs I’m sure you’re aware, a militia group, led by Ammon Bundy, has occupied a federal wildlife refuge in Burns, Oregon. So far, the federal law enforcement officials have allowed the protesters to remain without forcing them out.  Some commentators have compared this occupation with a similar occupation of the California legislature building by Black Panthers in …

This is Why Cops Aren’t Convicted of Crimes

I’m back from a wonderful vacation to Ecuador and Peru and Machu Picchu—only to listen to the media talking about bad cops again.  Uh, it’s this is why cops are not convictedback to reality again!  We’ve all heard about the police in various cities accused of unnecessarily killing people who were being arrested or were in custody  And many of us wonder: how can …

This is Police Brutality

police brutalityWhen I got back from South America, I was met with more stories of police brutality and death—a black man was shot and killed by Minneapolis police which led to several weeks of protests.  In Chicago, a cop shot a black youth 16 times— his indictment and the film were withheld by authorities until after the mayor was …

What It’s Like to be Trapped at Machu Picchu

machu picchuIn a recent trip to South America, my wife and I traveled into Peru, up to Cusco, and finally to Machu Picchu.  It’s a place I’ve dreamed about going for years—as about 4,000 people a day also dreamed about!  (Luckily, we were off season and it wasn’t too crowded)  But the crowds didn’t cause our problem.  Here’s what …

How to Get Up to Machu Picchu

In a temporary change in blogging course, I’m posting about my recent trip to South America—Ecuador, Peru, and our (wife and me) trip to how to get up to machu picchuMachu Picchu.  These don’t have anything to do with crime, but I thought you’d be interested in these places.  As a writer, traveling is one of the best ways I can use to not …