My wife love cartoon movies—and so do I. But she really loves them. We saw the new Minions movie last week and I’d recommend you see it too. It’s predictable but so fun! As a writer, I see many thing in the film that impress me.
1. Like writing a novel, the attention to detail is important. In the cartoon, the technology has become so good, you almost believe the scenes are real. In writing, the author picks a few significant details to get the reader thinking and draw them into the story. It’s the same in the cartoon. Props held by the minions can convey so much information in a quick and simple way.
2. Normally, writers think about a hero who battles the bad people and, in the end, wins. In the Minions the plot is simple: one of the minions is brave enough to leave the group to go out into the brutal world to find a new leader—the most despicable leader he can find! This twist on the usual plot gives the story a light, funny tone. We still root for the minions to succeed, even if it means they’ll be led by a bad person.
3. The emotions and thoughts conveyed by the Minions are clever and delightful. Remember, each of the minions is bald (mostly), has only one eye (maybe two), and is covered over the face almost entirely by a heavy goggle. Also, they don’t speak in a language that the viewer can understand. Still, with slight movements of the eye, body, and voice expressions we are able to understand exactly what the Minions are trying to convey. It’s amazing. Writers, also, must try to convey emotions, ideas, and plot in just a few details. I’m so impressed by the people who create the Minions.
Finally, it’s just plain fun. You know what’s going to happen in the end, but what a roller coaster of a ride. Music is good, too. Go see it! Here’s a trailer for the film: